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Destination: a 4 days road trip in Norway; it's brief but it's possible

Allow me to commence by stating that a 4 day itineray in Norway is somewhat on the brief side. Norway, being an expansive country, with very few roads going in a straight line. Moreover, each mountain pass is spectacular, every valley picturesque, and every local bakery serving the finest cinnamon buns. Hence, my aim in this article is to showcase and immerse you in what, in my perspective, renders Norway incredibly beautiful and spectacular. I have charted a route for you and selected four truly remarkable accommodations. In short, pack your suitcase, for you are embarking on a road trip! And the route does not traverse Oslo, where I will touch upon later.

Day 1: You arrive in Ålesund, a magnificent city on the west coast of Norway. Situated in a breathtaking location with the deep blue and icy Norwegian Sea on one side and the steep snow-covered peaks of the Sunnmøre Alps on the other. The first time I visited, the temptation to stay was immense, so enchanting did I find it. The city is relatively compact, allowing you to get a good impression within an afternoon.

The multitude of fantastic restaurants, coffee houses, and terraces make it tempting to linger for a few days. However, the title of this blog post suggests a bit of haste. Therefore, swiftly proceed to where you rest, namely Hotel 1904. The imposing Art Nouveau facade belies what awaits inside; a very tastefully and modernly furnished design mecca that would quicken the heartbeat of any interior enthusiast. Moreover, the staff understands the precise meaning of world-class hospitality.

Day 2: After a delightful breakfast, check out of Hotel 1904 and embark on a journey to Trollstigen. This is one of the many spectacular driving routes in Norway. The view from the lookout platform over the elongated valley is truly stunning. The journey itself to Trollstigen is breathtaking too. From Trollstigen, the road zigzags down (make sure to stop at Gudbrandsjuvet for a coffee), setting the course for the next overnight stop. Be prepared to frequently pull over and capture yet another photo of the breathtaking scenery.

*01.07.2024: note that the Trollstigen road is currently closed. Here's the latest updates.

The view from Trollstigen

Regarding accommodation, I faced a tremendous dilemma, so I leave that choice to you. Either stop at the Juvet Landscape Hotel, known for, among other things, the film Ex-Machina, or drive a little further to Hotel Union Øye, which can rightfully be considered one of the most unique and stately hotels in Norway with a rather legendary history.

Day 3: Wherever you wake up, today the road leads to Geiranger, one of the most spectacular fjords, immortalized as UNESCO World Heritage, and onward to a tiny but legendary village. There's much to tell about the latter; in fact, I've written about it before. In short, this is a picture-perfect fjord village surrounded by beautiful nature.

There's, of course, a fantastic hotel, or I wouldn't send you there: the Fjærland Fjordstove Hotel. Fjærland is also famous as a book mecca. For a few kroner, you can grab a second-hand copy of a major author here. Additionally, this is a fantastic base for various adventures, from glacier expeditions to kayak trips. And, of course, a visit to the spectacular floating sauna is a bucket-list item. If you have an extra day, this is the place to spend it (or an extra day in Bergen, that's also not a bad idea).

Day 4: Once you've had your breakfast, it's time to set course for Bergen, perhaps the most beautiful city in the country along with Ålesund. This is the longest drive you'll make on this vacation, but fear not, the scenery is absolutely breathtaking. First, input Hopperstad Stavechurch into your navigation system. After a brief stop, continue towards the E16 heading for Voss, allowing you to take a short walk to Bordalsgjelet in the mid-afternoon; a spectacular gorge carved out by a wildly flowing river. Believe me, it's worth stopping the car here briefly before completing the final stretch to Bergen. Describing Bergen as a city cannot be encapsulated in a few sentences. I won't even attempt it.

The abundance of charming wooden houses, great restaurants, beautiful vistas, fantastic museums, and cozy cafes make Bergen a destination in itself. Perhaps you might decide to spend 5 or 6 days in this amazing country contrary to the title of this blog post because it pained me a bit to rush through it in such a short timeframe. But we made it, and you've seen an incredible amount of beauty. Planning to stay an extra night in Bergen? Excellent idea. Treat yourself and book a room at Hotel Norge. What a splendid and spectacular piece of hospitality that is.

I mentioned it briefly at the beginning; Oslo. Oslo is a bit of a boogieman in this piece. Because, truly, it's a very pleasant city to spend a few days, and by all means, do so. The reason I directed you to the west coast is that the quantity of spectacular landscapes and highlights is simply greater, allowing you to spend your precious time most effectively. Because we were a bit hasty, remember?

**One last thing: it is most likely you'll arrive in Ålesund by plane. It is most wise to reserve a car (long) in advance. Since Norway has one of the best fast-charging networks in the world, I would advise you to rent an electric car. Better for the environment, cheaper to charge and it gets you everywhere. Check here for availability.


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