Let us embark upon dispelling at least one myth; mead was not invented by the Vikings. The identity of the pioneering brewer of the initial litre of mead remains somewhat shrouded in mystery. Were it the Chinese? The Ethiopians? The Egyptians? Or the ancient Greeks? Perhaps it is one of those phenomena that mysteriously and concurrently arose in several locations simultaniously, just like cave art, shipbuilding, agriculture and dating-apps.
Regardless, this mythical elixir has firmly embedded itself in Norse mythology and was imbibed with gusto by Vikings during festivities and, perhaps, following a day of hard labour. In contemporary times, mead is still consumed in moderation by a cadre of connoisseurs and, conceivably, a handful of black-metal rockabillies dressed in black. Nonetheless, beer and the ubiquitous latte macchiato have, of course, surged in popularity.

Yet, I can well imagine your inclination to taste a sample of this illustrious libation. And, to divulge forthwith, you can indeed do so. For this purpose, you may visit Vinmonopolet, the state liquor store, of which I previously penned an article. Fortunately, there are also a handful of bars and restaurants where your desire can be fulfilled. I have endeavored to ascertain which obscure bars most certainly maintain a stock of mead. Here's where you can most likely have a taste of mead:
Oslo: RØØR, Schouskjelleren, Brygg
Trondheim: Øx
Bergen: Lucky, Apollon, Pingvinen, Henrik Øl og Vinstove
Stavanger: På Kornet
Sandnes: Melkebaren
Tromsø: Agenturen
Missing a place I do not know about? Please, find me on the socials and point it out for me.