I frequently host friends from overseas, and inevitably, the perennial question arises as we venture into town: 'how do I say ... (thank you)... in Norwegian?' For the true language enthusiasts, Innovative Language promises a fast-track towards considerable fluency in just three months. Remarkably, for English speakers, this journey is often swifter than anticipated, given that a significant array of English words traces its origins back to Old Norse, yes, that's right! We have a lot in common.

For those not inclined towards linguistic pursuits and disinclined to ascend their Norwegian proficiency to a B1 level, keep reading. The typical Norwegian, with few exceptions among the boomer generation, converses fluently in English and exhibits an extraordinary willingness to assist when asked. Hence, responding to popular demand, it is fun to read a bit on etiquette and expressions. This knowledge might serve as a source of personal pride when a Norwegian graciously points you towards the nearest coffee establishment and you can thank them for doing so. Let us set off:
The 'Hi' salutation is applicable throughout the day, whether addressing the mayor, the doctor, or a cherished companion. It's all fine.
"God dag!"
A more formal greeting, reserved for daylight hours. For instance, I employ it during visits to my girlfriend's grandmother, recognizing that older individuals often place a premium on courtesy—an inclination I share, despite not yet reaching the status of seniority.
"God morgen!"
A simple expression meaning 'good morning'. The temporal boundaries are somewhat nebulous, yet I refrain from its usage after 11 am, using it only after if it concernes my girlfriend, with a coiffure disheveled from a night of on town, emerges from her slumber around noon.
"God kveld!"
This way of saying 'Good evening' carries a touch formality. I use it when meeting my girlfriends grandmother for example. The elderly often appreciate a bit etiquette.
This is how to say thank you in Norwegian. Expressed for a myriad of occasions, gratitude extends to having your coffee served to you, the polite declination or acceptance of an offer (Nei, takk; ja takk), or acknowledgment of a (not so very personal) compliment.
"Tusen takk!"
This one you use in profound gratitude as it translates as 'a thousand thanks), whether in the sprint for a bus where the driver kindly waits or upon receipt of an exceptional gift, this phrase is the on the use.
"Mange takk!"
A refined variant of the foregoing translating as 'many thanks', nuanced and elegant, though regrettably a bit old fashioned. But that's how I like it. Nevertheless, as a tourist, you might gain some bonus points here!
"Takk for hjelpen!"
Norwegians, are known for their strong willingness to help out. Be it a lift to the next village, directional guidance, or clarification of a puzzling matter, their seamless transition to English is met with an immediate commitment to sort you out. Thus, it behooves you to extend your gratitude in Norwegian. So preparing yourself by mastering the phrase 'takk for hjelpen' (thank you for helping) will pay off.
And as mentioned before, you're not that far off from learning Norwegian quickly as an English speaker. Much of it you'll already understand while reading. So might as well give it a try, right? Why not test and try a little bit.