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Music: during the cold months

The winters are quite long here. Meaning it's dark and cold from October until April. And exactly because of that, the cultural offerings during those months are immense, and that's precisely why a visit to Norway in November or December is not a bad idea at all. It's cozy, intimate, and magical around this time of year. If you decide to come to Norway during the cold months, there's one thing you absolutely must do, and that is to buy a ticket for a Christmas concert.

During the dark months before Christmas, there are Christmas concerts happening every week in all major cities. And this can range from jazz and classical to pop and rock. Both renowned and up-and-coming artists slightly adjust their repertoire and perform concerts in the most extraordinary venues. Think of churches, chapels, museums and barns.

A few years ago, for instance, just before Christmas, I went with my sister and her husband to a concert by Silje Nergaard in one of the smaller intimate churches in Oslo. Not only do you feel like a part of the local life in this way, but you also experience music in a very special and magical setting, with lots of candlelight, fresh snow, and the scent of cinnamon and hot chocolate.

First and foremost, it's important to find a Christmas concert that suits your taste. Use 'Julekonsert' as a search term on Ticketmaster and see what's available. It might be handy to have Spotify at hand so that you can listen to a repertoire in advance because you will undoubtedly come across artists you've never heard of before. Once you've found something, buy your ticket. Don't wait too long, as these concerts consistently sell out.

My favorite: the Christmas concerts 'It's snowing on my piano' by jazz pianist Bugge Wesseltoft (NO).


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